
Friday, March 21, 2003

The next stage of Kenzi's hearing was today:

Hello Everyone-

Today was the second hearing.  It was an opportunity for the Prosecutor to ask Kenzi questions and defend any arguments, but he did not say too much.  The judge asked him a few questions, and then Kenzi's lawyer talked to the judges and then Kenzi was asked if she agreed and then it was over.  It took about 20 minutes total.

The basic idea is that if the FBI agents do not come to Korea to testify, then their testimony will be thrown out of court, and the orginal decision of the Korean Police will stand.  If they come, he is planning to "eat them alive."  Honestly, I almost hope they come. 

I came back and hit bottom.  Why have we wasted a year of Kenzi's life, and all the expense in both countries, for this?  What was/is the purpose?  Ah well, mine is not to reason why....

So, the next hearing is 3 April.  It starts at 4:30!  The first day must be just to see if they have shown up.  

I went to visit Kenzi later today and we are not sure what to make of the hearing today.  The two options suggested were 1) the Prosecutor's case is so solid he has nothing else to say, 2) he realizes she is innocent and wants her freed, too.  We will know more in two weeks.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you so much for the encouraging messages, they have not fallen on deaf ears, believe me! 

Most Sincerely, Heath Bozonie 

The Associated Press also has a report on today's hearing.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Kenzi's mother writes on the preliminary hearing in Seoul:

Hello Everyone- (we are getting closer)

Kenzi went to her first hearing. This is quoted from the US Consul who attended it.

"I wanted to let you know that I attended the first day of Kenzi's trail. Kenzi entered her plea of not guilty and the defense attorney asked a series of questions. I am told that questions from the defense attorney are meant to indicate to the judge the outline of the defense strategy. The judge and the prosecutor also asked a few questions each. The next session is scheduled for 10:30 AM on March 20. We will visit Kenzi before the next session.
          She appeared well and spoke confidently when questioned. She was a little tearful when she explained why she had confessed in West Virginia. She said she told the truth and the interviewers kept insisting she was wrong."

Her minister was also there to support her, and he said some reporters showed up, too. I hope this case can become big enough to help stop this travesty of justice in the US.

So, it looks like a good start. I was unable to attend. I am returning to Korea on 14 March. If I am really lucky, I shall have a job there. Otherwise, I shall be looking for work. I do have a number of leads to make this easier. The school has hired a substitute for the rest of the year, which takes a huge weight of responsibility off my shoulders. I can not believe how kind this school, and all the people in it, have been.

When I first went to explain my plans, after returning from Seoul the last time, the only concern was "what was the best for Kenzi." You just don't find too many places like this place!! What a gift!!

Please keep Kenzi in your prayers. And don't forget to calculate the time difference and give her a thought of encouragement on the 20th, too.

My most very sincere thank you for all your notes of support and good thoughts! Heath
