Kenzi Snider has been arrested in connection with the murder of Jamie Penich while both were exchange students in Korea. Kenzi's friends and family do not believe the charges are true, and fear that she has been set up as a scapegoat. We ask for true justice to be served. This site has been set up by Murph (, a friend of Kenzi's, as a source of updates on the case.
Unfortunately, it sounds like we can't expect too much to happen at the 05 March court date I mentioned. From Kenzi's mother:
Hello Everyone-
New information, therefore new plans. I am not sure why Kenzi and I are the last to know what is going on, but it seems the case.
The court date on 5 March is not a very important one. It is actually just to make sure that the person they think they had is the one they have got. In other words, it should last less than 10 minutes.
1) The Prosecutor gets a change to argue the government's side of the case. This date is usually not earlier than 2 weeks, after the initial identification date, and can be up to 2 months later. 2) The Defender gets to give his argument (again between 2 weeks and 2 months). 3) Then the judges make their decisions (another 2 weeks to 2 months). I does all have to be over within 6 months. So it could be as soon as mid-April, or as long as Septmember)
I will be returning to Chiang Mai this Saturday to figure out what to do. Kenzi is really getting scared and I don't want to leave her for long. Each inmate is allowed only one 7 minute visit each day. Therefore, I am the only conversation she has each day. I am seriously thinking of trying to get a job in Seoul. They have evening-schools (2:30-8:30) for the kids here, and that would be perfect as I could still visit her every day.
Please pray for the correct decisons to be evident. Thank you for your return messages and words of support, kindness and encouragement. I can not tell you how energized I have been after receiving them.
Just got word from Kenzi's mother that a trial date has been set. Kenzi's trial will begin on 05 March 2003 at 3pm, South Korean time. If I'm doing my timezone conversion right, this should be 1am, 05 March, in America's Eastern timezone.
Still no trial date set, but Kenzi is holding up well in Korea, according to her mother:
Hello Everyone- (a patient note from Korea)
I have not yet received information about a date for the trial, but as I
said in my last message, the charge has been greatly reduced to Bodily
Harm. So no matter what happens, she is NOT a murderer. I spoke with
her lawyer, and his partner, who was a wonderful translater, and he
assured me that he is absolutely, 100% sure that she is innocent and
feels confident he can convince the court of it. My visa is up on the
24th, so I hope it is done by then.
I can visit her for 7 minutes each day and sometimes I am the only person
she talks to all day. They are being very kind to her. She was put into
solitary confinement, not as a punishment, but because that section is
heated all the time, and we call it her private su! ite. There is an
older woman who is "fostering" her and sent over a warm set of
long-johns, slippers and gloves. At every meal she gets an additional
egg sandwich (her "western" food).
One of the guards came up to me the other day and said that "Kenzi was a
credit to my motherhood." Under the circumstances I consider this quite
the compliment. She is passing her time by painting eggshells
with soy sauce, ketchup, mustard and chili sauce. One of the guards
showed them around tot he other inmates and let her bring them in to show
me, too. I have, finally, found out how to get books to her, and this is
a blessing to her. And, one of the local pastors has gone to visit
her for a few prayer times. All-inl-all, things are going very well!
Please keep praying for truth and justice and grace, and this is all we
need. Thank you for everything!! Love to you all. Most sincerely,
Heath Bozonie